Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Matthew Williamson, Jim Lambie and Musing....

Musing...not just pondering over life and whatnots, but MUSING- the instantaneous and immediate sense of "AHA!!!!!" that you get when you see something, or hear something -( not just something, ANYTHING AND/OR EVERYTHING)- and you are just absolutely overwhelmed with the need to share, to create, to write to sing to dance to laugh.  Or should I say 'musED", not "musING"?  Let's see.....hmmmmmmm.... you are a muse if YOU inspire someone, MUSED if someone inspires YOU....perhaps MUSING is when it is a mutual and reciprocal relationship of inspiring back and forth....a collaboration and sharing of ideas and skill that just leads to more and more amazing concepts and production. 

I am extremely blessed to be continually mused, not just by someone historical or famous or distant, but by someone important and very close to me in my life. His eye for beauty and design and knowledge as well as the read and the written word leave me striving and aspiring to keep up. But that is not to say that I am not in complete reverential awe of, and mused by, designers of every walk and calling in this world who have paved ,or are paving a new path, through the sea of design talent that ebbs and flows all around us.

One such person is Matthew Williamson, British designer extraordinaire.  He inspires me.  Be inspired as well....

What a relief to know that someone who has such amazing and notable talent ( virtually King of London Fashion Week 2010) is also mused.

He states in an interview that he is inspired by installation artist Jim Lambie, which, of course, led me to Lambie's website....

What struck me, first, was the color.  Bright and vivid and bold, the color combinations remind me of ancient Najavo or Aztec weavings.  Sunny, frenetic, zipping madly about in a very geometric and rectilinear fashion.

Both designers- one fashion, one artistic-amaze me and muse me to be more.  To do more. 

Who muses YOU?  More importantly, what are YOU doing to muse someone else?............
Jim Lambie, Touch Zobop(2003)

The patterns themselves are straightforward- vinyl tape covering every inch of surface and each pattern an installation as unique as the museum its exhibited in.  Not one piece can every be duplicated as each location is architecturally different.

The constant zig-zagging in and around these architecturally different features is almost Op Art in it's effect. The equal, linear proportions coupled with equally intense hues insures that our eyes will constantly jump throughout the installation. 

Jim Lambie, MoMA

There is no focal point, rather, the geometric and repetitious continuity of color and line LEADS our eyes somewhere.  Where?  I am not sure, but I do know that my eyes chase madly around, never resting.  The energy from this movement actually physically makes me tired, as if I am racing, all colorful and bright, around the room, over and over and over again.

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